Veigl Adventure Time

Bilbao is the Bilbest

We ventured out to Bilbao the other weekend! The train ride out there was beautiful

Train station in Bilbao.

Bus station in Bilbao

Matt was really excited to try these snails. You get them out with a pin. They were pretty salty, but I guess they weren’t offensive?

He guards the museum and is adorbz. He was Matt’s favorite part of the city.
Bilbao is built around the river

Matt always wants to rent a bike. Sara always says no. =(

This was one of the first buildings we saw when we got off the train.  Beautiful city!  

Statue thinks his hand is really cool

One of the oldest cathedrals
Matt worked hard to get a great pic of this impressive cathedral.  

Casco Viejo (Old Town).  I think we got lost a lot here as well…

Find around town
These strange mosaics were all around town.  We spotted around three, but I think I read somewhere there were close to 50.  Somethin’ to do

Pintxo (pincho..snack) Time!

Watch out Rick Steves!  Matt Veigl is coming to a European city near you

Sara is Happy!  Thanks Christa, this hat has been rockin

Cable Bridge

Puedes sacar una foto??
Cable car taking us up to the top of Bilbao.  This was pretty cool.  Felt like an ancient Six Flags ride.  At one point it looks like you’re going to run into the other car.  Frightening

Inside the cable car.  And look!  There we are narrowly escaping death by cable car

At the top of Bilbao.  Awesome view, as you could imagine.  The Guggenheim still looked incredible from far away

Bilbao’s fingerprint?

On top of the world (or at least Bilbao)

Pizza! Olive oil, Arugula, Gorgonzola, and Walnuts!  It was delightful.  

This entry was published on 18 November, 2012 at 19:20. It’s filed under Travel and tagged , , , , . Bookmark the permalink. Follow any comments here with the RSS feed for this post.

4 thoughts on “Bilbao is the Bilbest

  1. Brooke on said:

    I could see Matt having his own tall tale where a big, green topiary dog was his best friend. Great pictures!

  2. Sheri Boule' on said:

    Pictures are amazing. Glad you guys are being adventurous and seeing the countryside. Have a blessed Thanksgiving.

  3. David Harbeson on said:

    Pizza looks fantastic! Thanks for sharing your pictures!!

  4. Ginger on said:

    The cathedral pic was amazing, Matt. You captured it’s magnificence from the base to the steeple.

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